Fighting Back Under a 2nd Trump Administration, Part 2
Sarah Blahovec Sarah Blahovec

Fighting Back Under a 2nd Trump Administration, Part 2

In December, we discussed some of the ways that we can fight for our local communities through electoral organizing. However, we know that electoral organizing is just one tool in the fight for our communities, and it’s one that many people may feel wary about, especially right now.

In this piece, we will highlight just a few options for taking action. Read on to learn more about how you can get involved in disability organizing, workplace unionization efforts, protecting our libraries, and clean air advocacy, and learn about your rights if you plan to protest as a disabled person.

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Fighting Back Under a 2nd Trump Administration, Part 1: Electoral Organizing
Sarah Blahovec Sarah Blahovec

Fighting Back Under a 2nd Trump Administration, Part 1: Electoral Organizing

There is no one “correct” way to prepare for what’s ahead, and we will need everybody to contribute to building stronger, welcoming, and accessible communities. Whether that’s running for office or running a mutual aid network, there’s a way for us all to get involved. We need a diversity of tactics and voices. 

Over the next few weeks, we will explore options for taking action in the days ahead. Today, we’re focusing on ways to fight back within the electoral system: running for local office, running for state office, and ballot measures.

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Social Media Accessibility for Campaigns: Understanding Barriers and Best Practices
Sarah Blahovec Sarah Blahovec

Social Media Accessibility for Campaigns: Understanding Barriers and Best Practices

Accessibility and disability inclusion are important for every aspect of a campaign, from events to policy platforms. Digital accessibility is a key part of this, as websites, emails, and social media get the candidate’s message out to the world. Digital platforms are important tools for voter persuasion, volunteer recruitment, fundraising and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) efforts. Campaigns must make their digital communications accessible to reach potential voters, volunteers, and supporters in the disability community.

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How to Talk to Your Employer about Running for Office
Sarah Blahovec Sarah Blahovec

How to Talk to Your Employer about Running for Office

Deciding to run for office is one of the most exciting yet daunting decisions you'll make as a candidate. This decision to run leads to a series of conversations in your personal and professional life. In this piece, board member and former NYC Council Candidate Rebecca Lamorte discusses one of those vital discussions -- telling your employer you'll be running for office and navigating what that means for you professionally and personally.

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Demystifying Accessibility: Six Myths and Truths
Sarah Blahovec Sarah Blahovec

Demystifying Accessibility: Six Myths and Truths

While many organizations want to improve their accessibility, they’re sometimes intimidated by the prospect. Other organizations may not see accessibility as a priority. Unfortunately, there are many myths floating around about accessibility that lead to misconceptions about what it is and how to implement it. Follow along as we break down each of these myths and what you need to know about accessibility.

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Social Security and Running for Office, Part 2: Legislative and Regulatory Changes
Sarah Blahovec Sarah Blahovec

Social Security and Running for Office, Part 2: Legislative and Regulatory Changes

Disabled people on Social Security and Medicaid may have to choose between continuing to receive benefits and running for office. What can be done so that more disabled people can serve in elected office? Read on to learn what legislation has been proposed to fix this issue, and what else can be done to level the playing field when it comes to running for and serving in elected leadership.

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Social Security and Running for Office: What You Need to Know
Sarah Blahovec Sarah Blahovec

Social Security and Running for Office: What You Need to Know

Can you run for office if you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability (SSDI or DIB) benefits? This is a question that I got frequently during my time on staff at the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL). It’s an important question for disabled people. While not all disabled people receive Social Security, as of the end of 2020, about 12 million people ages 18 to 64 received social security disability benefits.

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