Frequently Asked Questions

We will regularly update this page to answer common questions about Disability Victory. If you have any further questions about Disability Victory, please contact us at

For Candidates

  • Not at this time. Disability Victory intends to provide opportunities for endorsement at some stage in the future. However, we do not currently have an endorsement process.

  • Yes! We regularly add programming and additional resources to help you understand how to run for office or work on a campaign. We also partner with other organizations to promote opportunities for you to build your political leadership skills. The best way to learn about these resources, events, and opportunities is to join our mailing list.

  • No. As a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization, we are legally prohibited from giving funds to candidates, their committees, or political action committees.

  • No. As a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization, we are legally prohibited from providing direct support to candidates. We are unable to promote your campaign or encourage voters to support you.

  • No on both counts. Disability Victory does not currently have an endorsement process (see above). Additionally, any one individual or organization in the disability community does not and cannot speak for the entire disability community. The disability community consists of over a quarter of the U.S. adult population, and includes people with a variety of lived experiences and political beliefs. Disability Victory (or any other organization) does not speak for the entire disability community, which includes disabled people across the political spectrum.

    To gain support from the disability community, we encourage you to build authentic relationships with disability advocacy groups in your community, ensure your campaign is accessible to disabled staff, volunteers, and voters, and solicit feedback from disabled people in your community about your policy platform.

For Organizations

  • Yes. Disability Victory is available to create a fee-for-service training for your organization on topics around creating an accessible campaign training program and organization and topics related to running for office with a disability. We can work with your organization’s size, budget, and constraints to create a training that meets your needs. If you would like to talk to us about training your organization, please contact

    Accessibility and disability inclusion are broad topics, and there are some topics for which we are not appropriate subject matter experts. In those cases, we would refer you to appropriate disabled subject matter experts who would have the expertise for conducting your training.

  • Yes. Disability Victory partners with other campaign training programs. If you’re interested in partnering with Disability Victory, please contact

  • Yes. Disability Victory creates resources to help other organizations understand how they can be more inclusive and accessible. Check out our Make Access A Practice Series, where we talk about four easy ways that campaign training programs can improve their accessibility:

  • Yes. Disability Victory has a sponsorship package available for our Disability Victory Academy, a multi-week, accessible, virtual campaign training program for disabled progressives who want to run for office or work on a campaign. Check out our Academy page for more information.

    We also have opportunities to sponsor programming throughout the year. If you are interested in sponsoring or supporting Disability Victory’s accessible programming, contact us at